Chamber of Eyes

Posted by joz

After a fitful sleep in the Narthex of the Chamber of Eyes. The party first checks out the Bath Chamber. A large pool fills the southern half of this room, which at it’s deepest is 5ft deep. A statue rises from the pool, depicting a creature that is half-woman half-serpent. Gandor for some reason swims over to it and searches it, spending an uncomfortable amount of time on the statues breasts. A 9foot tall burnished bronze statue of a Minotaur stands against the western wall. They notice an odd arcane rune on its neck.
When listening at the door to this bath chamber, Gandor had noticed the sound of chains clanging against stone and metal.
The group decides to rush in to the eastern room through the double doors. They rush through, full of vim and vigor and abruptly stop as the contents of the room come into view.
Obviously the chapel is what this dungeon is named after, the Chamber of Eyes is an abandoned shrine to Torog. Carvings of eyes cover the walls, floor and ceiling of this chamber. An idol of a horrible toadlike creature dominates the area. In the center of the floor, chains are affixed to the flagstones, though no prisoners are chained there. What causes their scrotums to shrink in fear is largest black wolf they have ever seen crouched on the floor in front of them. A full 9 feet long, it immediately growls and bares it’s dagger sized teeth at the party. A hobgoblin in the back of the room is busy oiling the chains. Several other hobgoblins are scattered throughout the chamber.

The party concentrates its attacks on the wolf, Rayrond hobbles it, and then the group takes it out quickly with some very serious fire power. The stench of burning dog hair from Mathers fire attack, fills the chamber as they move on to the hobgoblins. The druid makes a stand at the bottom of the stairs to cut off any flanking maneuvers by the hobgoblins. Panril takes out one of the goblins and then is hit very hard when three archers impale him from the balcony. The group quickly takes out the Goblin Grunts, and puts their attention onto the Archers. Suddenly The Hobgoblin Chief Krand appears from a side door, raging and sputtering he heads for the stairs to take on Mathers. The battle continues slowly with some missed attempts by our heros, and some sure strikes on the part of the remaining two Hobgoblins. Finally Krand is dropped and shortly thereafter the last archer dies before he is able to kill the summoned drake.

They search the chapel to find nothing other than a key on Krand’s body. When they move onto Krand’s bedroom they find a chest containing a +2 delvers chainmail. A potion of healing, five gems, and 450gp, 500sp.

Emboldened by their victory and loot they search the rest of the complex. With some keen eye sight on Gandor’s part they find a couple of secret doors. One leads to a stash of treasure in a corridor. A +1 Lifedrinker Scimitar, a potion of healing, three gems and 72gp.

They also find another 9ft tall bronze Minotaur statue.
Mathers suddenly recalls details of it’s rune. The Bronze Warder is created as a servant or guard by spellcasters. It obeys any orders their masters give them. A bronze warder is over 9ft tall and appears to be a statue of a minotaur warrior cast from tarnished bronze. The construct’s limbs are articulated, and it carries a great axe also made of bronze. A bronze warder is created through a ritual performed on a hollow articulated statue cast from bronze. During the ritual a command amulet is created at the same time allowing the possessor of the amulet to control the warder. New masters must speak a secret word when first donning the amulet.

The adventurers also find a contract from Murkelmor Grimmerzhul. It states that Murkelmor of the Duergar bought several slave two days ago from the Bloodreaver gang.

After realizing there was nothing more to find, the party heads back to the Seven Pillared Hall. As they enter the Halfmoon Inn, Rendil Halfmoon greats them and then provides them with a large lunch. While eating Rendil remembers a letter he received that is supposed to go to the adventurers.
Gandor suspects it is a trap from the rogue mage.


Posted by joz



Posted by joz

Posted by joz

After running for their lives, the group entered the Seven Pillared Hall. It was around noon, and the place was a bustling with new activity. Temporary trading tables were set up everywhere, selling all kinds of next to useless trinkets. The group headed immediately to the Halfmoon Inn and had a short rest. Later that afternoon they decided to stock up on some much needed artillery, so the went to the Deepgem Company. Ulthand Deepgem is an old dwarf cleric of Moradin and former adventurer who runs the Company. They negotiate for a couple quivers of arrows for 2 gp each. After Mathers makes a joke about selling Panril, the topic turns to slave traders and Ulthand’s great hatred for both Duergar and slavers. He provides them with a quiver “on the house” once he hears of their heroic rescue of the three kitchen slaves from the Horned Hold. He also lets them know that the Grimmerzhul clan of Duergar have a trading post in the Seven Pillared Hall. They trade rare ores, gemstones, liquor, poison and alchemical reagents from the Underdark for goods from the surface that they can take back to their homeland to sell. He suspects the dirty Duergar have a lot to do with the slave trading especially since they seem to have set up an out post in the Horned Hold.

As the group leaves the Deepgem offices they see the freed slaves having a heated discussion with Brugg the ogre enforcer. The group hurries over to the customhouse to find that Brugg thinks they are some kind of spies and is threatening to lock them up until the Ordinator Arcanis deals with them. Rayrond cools a heated exchange between the ogre and the druid. Just as the enforcers are leading the humans away, the wizard Orontor arrives to talk with the adventurers.
He leads them into his office in the customhouse. After a long discussion about their activities in the labyrinth over the past couple of days, Orontor asks them to find out any information about his fellow Mage of Saruun; Paldemar. He also thanks them for their help with the slave trade problem that seems to be popping up and suggests they head to a place called the Chamber of Eyes which he suspects is informal headquarters of the Bloodreavers. He provides them with directions on how to find it and tells them they will be richly rewarded for coming up with information on either the slave trade or Paldemars activities.
Orontor also provides a fresh start for the slaves in terms of new clothing and a bit of spending money. They crowd around the adventures thanking them profusely and begging them to free the rest of the slaves in the Horned Hold.

Next the group heads through the dragon door, to find their way through the labyrinths of Saruun Khel. After about half a kilometer of twisting tunnels, and split passages they find their way to the narthex of the Chamber of Eyes. A large antechamber with a 25 ft ceiling, holds two fearsome-looking statues of winged demons which squat on either side of a stairway leading to a set of double doors. Inscribed upon the doors is an image of a great eye with multiple eye stalks as well as a symbol of Torog. Heaps of rubble are scattered across the floor, and to the north a balcony overlooks the room. As they are carefully searching the room, Gandor hears a couple of voices speaking in goblin “When do you think Krand is going to divvy up the loot?”. The group quietly climbs the stairs and Rayrond unlocks the door without detection. They burst through to find two very surprised goblins. During the battle one goblin get the chance to warn his allies in the next room. A Bugbear and goblin join the fray.

Unknown to the group a fourth goblin circles around back to warn a couple of Duergar Guards. After a quick fight in which the Druid reveals his new ability to summon a Guard Drake they start to look around the area. Gandor finds a set of stairs leading north. Just as he gets to the bottom of the stairs the door at the top bursts open and a Duergar Guard rush down the stairs to attack. Within seconds he is a corpse, and the group also quickly deals with the second Duergar guard who descends the stairs. The trailing goblin turns tail and runs, but a fleet footed Rayrond follows him and knocks him prone with a dagger to its Achilles tendon. The goblin crashes to the floor and Rayrond leaps over him to block his egress. He yells back to the group for help. As they arrive the door next to Rayrond slams open, and a Hobgoblin Warcaster steps out and blasts Rayrond to the floor. It doesn’t take much to kill the goblin and the Hobgoblin. At the end of the battle, they drag the bodies into a room and search the area. They find a simple brass key on one of the goblins, and a magical belt on the Bugbear’s body.

The group decides to rest, so they set up a few magical guardians and rest their minds and bodies.